It took 15 minutes for 15 reasonably intelligent, well-educated adults from the liberal democracies to a play a G major scale into 3 octaves.
Then it took 25 minutes for about 33 people from the Level One to not quite be able to play single notes consecutively in C major for 4 bars of 4. The Level One has divided into 2 groups to work on this with Martin & Luciano, for as long as Martin & Luciano can bear. Personal meetings with Martin, Luciano, Guillermo & Fernando are becoming available. Fernando is responsible for helping students practice contorting their faces while playing.
The creative impulse will create. It has to: this is its necessity. The creative impulse is unconditioned: it can only be expressed through a vehicle, through forms, through constructs. Rain falls downwards: this is inevitable; this is beyond our control. But we can provide channels to direct the water. The concern of the musician is the construction of appropriate and necessary forms for music to flow into the world.
The Level Two are attempting the impossible: a G major scale moving up an octave, then beginning on the scale step below. The Level Two are attempting the impossible: counting as far as 10 bars of 7 and 14 bars of 5.
That life could be this good all the time.
Fernando took questions at the top table over dinner, and so did Hernan. The question for Hernan was "How do you approach the Hell Boy aphorism - honour convenience?"
Answer: "Look busy. Do nothing".
Then, suddenly, silence visited and enveloped the dining room. After 30 minutes it lifted, and all course's noise returned, equal suddenly. A stunning dessert - apple crepe with whipped cream - was served amidst the din.